2013. szeptember 9., hétfő

HSS (Hungarian SpaceShip) SNKRBX Superstar

- HSS (Hungarian SpaceShip) SNKRBX Superstar -
My custom made Adidas Superstar for the Kicks R Good, Budapest 2013. August 24. 
I thank the help of the fantastic Sneakerbox team!

We designed the sneaker like a spaceship. As You can see I draw the astronauts, the robots on the side. We made some wings and funkyfresh violet laces and voilá, the sneaker ship is ready to blastoff !!! Gooo!

2013. június 23., vasárnap


These are the plans for a hungarian children poem adaptation. It was written by Lanckfy János and adapted to music by the Kaláka band. It's in progress. I will finish it in the next two monthes.


2013. június 19., szerda

2013. február 5., kedd


Hey! I'm spending my ASF studies in Viborg. I learn a lot about producing animation projects, but at the same time I'm working on my new vignette series called PIRATOONS (it can be PIRATOONZ too I'm still thinking about it :) Here are my sketches from the first one :D You can see how I search for shapes, characters, personalities. Unfortunately I have just my phone to make photos...sorry about the quality, even photoshop is not enough to help so I left them in their original rough quality. Later I will scan all of them properly :)

In the open workhop building I just found a real pirate ship. The students told me that there was a guest professor who made this modell for a set of a puppet animation during a workshop.